
About 30 years ago I bought a copy of the strategy game Terrace. It was my first step into the world of modern board games. It was also the year I started teaching, when I'd play games with students during lunch. Then along came the internet. 

I found a passion for learning new games, and it didn't take long before I started making my own. In 2001 I was part of a small group of designers who started the first Protospiel. My first game (Take Your Pick) was published in 2005. The next year I helped a friend publish my game What's It to Ya?. Those two are still available, in one edition or one country or another.

After a few years of other pursuits, I got back into game design seriously around 2018. When the world slowed down in 2020, I started putting my RPGs and story-based games up for sale on DriveThruRPG

From party games to puzzly challenges to fantasy adventures for kids, my goal is always to make simple, unique games that many different groups can enjoy. 

My wife and I run a local game night in our town every week. I do a lot of my playtesting there.

Here's a family enjoying my party game, #SoooYou.